Why join Redo?

It takes a special type of crazy for someone to want the insane challenges that come in the startup world. It’s really not for everyone. Even though we feel like it’s the absolute best thing in the world. The kind of move that keeps you up at night, in the best way possible. Come work on a mission, Don’t punch a timecard.

We are looking for people that fit that special type of crazy.

Do you:

  1. Look for ways to push your limits and figure out what you’re capable of?
  2. Find energy in surrounding yourself with people that make you question if you can keep up?
  3. Set goals so ambitious that any normal person would laugh at you for? But you get fired up?
  4. Truly push yourself to become the best in your craft?
  5. Enjoy outsized rewards for the outsized contribution you provide?

If you made it through all that without rolling your eyes saying something like “stupid hustle culture, yuck, not for me”, then there’s a chance you’re the exact type of person we’re looking for.

A “Redo person” runs at the challenge and finds a way to win. If that’s you, you may have just found your tribe. We’d love to chat.

Sound like your kind of place?
Check out our listings.